In the modern world there is an increased trend of promoting reuse in software via exposing software functions as standard interfaces called APIs. Most cloud as well as SaaS and utility IT applications are made available as APIs and more recently microservices.
This course is for testers and practitioners who work with APIs. It provides a comprehensive view of:
The different components of API and Microservices testing
Relation of MSA (microservices architecture) to API and SOA
Different standards for API
Test design techniques for API testing
Life cycle of API testing techniques including security, load, and interoperability
A hands-on view of API testing with popular tools like soapUI and Postman
Automation at API testing level
Contract First Testing in Microservices
Extended Tools for Microservices testing
Learning Objectives
LO1 – Understand the Life cycle of API testing techniques.
LO2 – Understand How API testing complements UI testing.
LO3 – Know the different API standards.
LO4 – Understand differences between MSA SOA and APIs
LO5 – Implement API testing in popular tools like soapUI and Postman.
LO6 – Implement Automation including content inspection based use cases in API testing projects.
LO7 – Design API related test cases and test scenarios.
LO8 – Understand and Implement contract first testing in Microservices.
Course Content
The Basics
SOA Microservices and API
What is Microservices?
What is SOA?
What is API?
Architectures compared
SOA Vs Microservices
API Vs Microservices
Examples of API
Examples of Microservices
Understanding Microservices Architecture
How Microservices Architecture Works
SOA API standards
Web services architecture
SOAP Basics
Testing SOAP Requests (sopaui)
Testing WSDL based stub generation (soapui)
Test Design and Execution for SOAP with soapui
REST Architecture
REST basics and Best Practices
Basic Testing REST (Curl, Postman, RESTAssured)
GET Request
POST Request
PUT Request
DELETE Request
Microservices Architecture
Relation to SOA
Contract first
Common Deployments in CI/CD
End-to-End microservices testing
Testing Life Cycle for API Testing
Deriving Test Cases for API - Principles and Techniques with Example
Test Management for API testing
Boundary Value
Equivalence Partitioning
Mocking REST Requests
Mocking with SOAPUI
Mocking in PostMan
Recording Responses
Securing REST Requests
Authentication with POSTMan
Authentication with RESTAssured
Assertions and Automation Testing (POSTMan)
Different types of Assertions
Response Code Assertions
JSON Content Inspection Assertion
Header Inspection Assertions
Variables at different scopes - global, session
Pre-Request Scripts
Test Scripts
Data Driven Automation Testing
Loading Data from Excel for automation in POSTMan
Collection Requests
Command Line Execution with POSTMan
Orchestration of REST Services in POSTMan
Simple Sequence of Services
Chaining of Services
Extending testing to microservices
Reusing API Testing for Microservices
Orchestration testing of Microservices
Service virtualization for Microservices testing
Resiliency Testing
Contract First Testing in Microservices
Interface testing
Service Virtualization testing
Consumer driven Contract testing
Tool Demos (Additional to the ones already covered in POSTMan)
At least 2 years of testing experience.
Familiarity with Web Applications
A basic knowledge of Javascript (highly recommended)
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